Neste artigo analisar-se-á os conceitos de modernidade e modernização nas sociedades ocidentais, sobretudo durante o final do século XIX e as quatro primeiras décadas do século passado. Objetiva-se constatar que, de fato. não se cumpriram as promessas aventadas pelo pretenso progresso cientifico e material verificado nas sociedades ocidentais no período supracitado. Assim, afirmamos que a objetividade científica, que forneceu as diretrizes fundamentais das sociedades ocidentais. não promoveu a emancipação humana à técnica e ao trabalho escravizaste e explorador. pois o caminho progressista e linear adotado pela cultura ocidental acusou, no século passado, seu engodo e fracasso históricos.
In this article the concepts of modernity and modernization in western culture will be analysed. especially in the period between the end of the 19th and the first four decades of the past century. Its aim Is to ascertain that, in effect, the pledges suggested by the supposed scientific and material progress that took place in Western societies during the period In question have not been fulfilled. Thus. it is stated here that the scientific objectivity that provided western societies with fundamental guidelines has not promoted the emancipation of man over technology and slavish and exploitative work, for in the past century the linear and progressive course of action adopted by western culture has demonstrated its lure and historical failure.