A micropropagação tem solucionado diversos problemas de propagação de diferentes espécies, porém, as
condições in vitro alteram a morfologia das plantas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a morfologia
das folhas do porta-enxerto de videira ‘VR043-43’ cultivadas in vitro – normais e in vitro – hiperÃdricas,
aclimatizadas e in vivo. As plantas foram micropropagadas em meio de cultura QL, acrescido ou não de 5,0
μM de BAP (6- benzilaminopurina). As plantas aclimatizadas foram mantidas em casa de vegetação, assim
como as plantas in vivo. A análise anatômica foi realizada em secções transversais do limbo e a superfÃcie
foliar pela microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Somente as folhas in vivo apresentam depósito de cera na
face adaxial. As folhas das plantas dos quatro tratamentos são hipoestomáticas, com epiderme unisseriada.
As células da epiderme da face adaxial são mais altas no eixo anticlinal nas plantas in vivo. Os estômatos das
folhas in vitro e hiperÃdricas apresentam maior irregularidade no tamanho. As folhas in vivo apresentam
parênquima paliçádico uniestratificado, parênquima lacunoso variando de 3-4 camadas com espaços intercelulares
pequenos e células do mesofilo com conteúdo denso. As folhas in vitro –normais e in vitro – hiperÃdricas
diferem das folhas in vivo por apresentarem células epidérmicas semelhantes em ambas as faces e o
parênquima lacunoso variando de 2-3 camadas. Nas folhas hiperÃdricas, o parênquima lacunoso apresenta
espaços intercelulares maiores que as folhas in vitro normais.
The environment which exists inside the tissue culture chamber results in plantlets with an altered anatomy,
morphology an physiology. The objective of this work was to characterize the morphology of plants of thegrapevine rootstock ‘VR043-43’ cultivated in vitro – normal and in vitro – hiperhydric, acclimatizated and
greenhouse-grown plants. The plants were micropropagated in QL culture, added or not with 5 μM of BAP
(6-benzylaminopurine). The plants acclimatizated were maintained in greenhouse, as well as the greenhouse-
grown plants. It was carried out analysis in scanning electron micrograph and anatomic analysis.
Only the leaves of greenhouse-grown plants, present deposit of wax in the adaxial leaf surface. The leaves
of the plants of the four handlings are hypostomatic, with epidermis unisseriada. The cells of the epidermis
of the adaxial surface are higher in the axis anticlinal in the greenhouse-grown plants. The stomatas of the
leaves in vitro and hiperhydric present bigger irregularity in the size. The leaves of greenhouse-grown plants
present one layer of palisade, three layers of spongy parenchyma with small intercellular spaces, cells of the
mesophyll with dense content. The leaves in vitro (normal and hiperhydricity leaves) differ of the leaves
greenhouse-grown plants by present epidermic cells similar in both to the surfaces and two layers of spongy
parenchyma. In the leaves hiperhydric the spongy parenchyma presents bigger intercellular spaces than the
leaves in vitro normal.