O presente estudo investigará as fontes normativas do crime de gestão temerária de instituição financeira, revisitando a história dos crimes falimentares e dos crimes contra a economia popular. As hipóteses adotadas são as de que a incriminação de condutas temerárias lesivas ao sistema financeiro nacional provém do crime de falência culposa e que o legislador que concebeu o tipo penal equivalente contra a economia popular rompeu injustificadamente com a tradição jurídica daquele crime falimentar. Estima-se que esse resgate histórico poderá ser benéfico para a compreensão do crime de gestão temerária.
This paper will investigate the normative sources of the crime of reckless management of a financial institution, revisiting the history of bankruptcy crimes and crimes against the popular economy. The hypotheses adopted are that the incrimination of reckless conduct harmful to the national financial system comes from the crime of negligent bankruptcy and that the legislator who conceived the equivalent type of criminal offence against the popular economy unjustifiably broke with legal tradition of that bankruptcy crime. It is estimated that this historical rescue could be beneficial to the understanding of the crime of reckless management.