Este artigo pretende, a partir da experiência de seu autor enquanto professor de Pré-vestibular social, apresentar algumas reflexões sobre o papel da valorização da experiência dos alunos para o ensino-aprendizagem. Com isso, pretende-se corroborar o papel da educação para a transformação da realidade social e a valorização de uma cultura democrática e para os direitos humanos. Para tal, se partirá das análises de Edward Thompson, Anísio Teixeira e Hannah Arendt.
This paper intends to point out some thoughts about the concept of Experience in the relation between teaching and learning of History by the authors himself experience of being a Brazilian History teacher in a communitarian course witch have the intention of prepare low income people to the admission exams in Universities. The hypothesis that the paper want to sustain is that the Education is a possible method to reduce social inequality and to construct a democratic culture to the human’s rights. The analysis that helps the hypothesis has a fist development in Anísio Teixeira, Hannah Arendt and Edward Thompson.