O presente artigo se predispõe a investigar, a partir dos conceitos atrelados aos regimes jurídicos de direito público e de direito privado, a mudança significativa operada pela Lei Federal 13.303/16 no regime jurídico que disciplina a atuação das empresas estatais, sobretudo, com o afastamento da incidência das normas contratuais de relação vertical, marcadas pela mutabilidade unilateral dos contratos pelo Poder Público, previstas na Lei Federal 8.666/93 aos contratos celebrados pelas empresas estatais, que passam a ser regidos, unicamente, pelas disposições da teoria geral dos contratos e das leis civis que os disciplinam.
Departing from the concepts connected to the juridical regimes of public law and private law, the present article aims at investigating the significative change brought about by Federal Law 13,303/16 in the juridical regime which governs state companies, especially after the incidence of contract norms was removed from vertical relationships, marked by the unilateral mutability of contracts by the Public Power, as anticipated in Federal Law 8,666/93 to the contracts celebrated by state companies, which become governed solely by the dispositions of the general theory of contracts and the civil laws which discipline them.