O presente artigo tem o intuito de realizar pesquisa acerca do princípio constitucional da publicidade, as leis e atos legislativos que o regulamentam, e como, desse conjunto, surge, e vai sendo efetivada, a figura do controle social. Ademais, pretende-se ilustrar como o controle social fortalece a democracia do país, bem como ajuda na fiscalização das verbas públicas e, consequentemente, influencia o sistema financeiro nacional. Como metodologia de trabalho foi utilizada a pesquisa bibliográfica
This article intends to conduct research on the constitutional principle of publicity, laws and legislative acts that regulate it, and how, this set arises, and is being carried out, the figure of social control which consists in the citizen participation in monitoring public management. Moreover, as the aim is to illustrate the social control strengthens democracy in the country, as well as help in monitoring public funds and hence influences the domestic financial system with the saving money that would no longer be wasted on corruption and mismanagement. The methodology used in this work was the bibliographical research.