O presente trabalho é um estudo sobre os impactos do Programa Bolsa Família (PBF) em duas cidades pequenas da Região Metropolitana de Sobral: Alcântaras e Frecheirinha. Para a realização desta pesquisa, realizamos trabalhos de campo e aplicação de questionários. São duas cidades com predomínio de atividades econômicas distintas. No entanto observamos que o PBF representa uma importante fonte de rendimento as famílias das duas cidades, que é utilizado na aquisição de bens e serviços, aumentando também o seu poder de compra, que por sua vez estimula a produção dos setores de atividades. Essa rotatividade tem impulsionado a economia gerando emprego e renda no comércio local e nas cidades vizinhas, impactando na vida de beneficiários e não beneficiários.
Palavras-chave: Cidades pequenas. Programa Bolsa Família. Beneficiários.
The present paper is a study about the impacts of the Bolsa Família Program (PBF) in two small cities of the Sobral Metropolitan Region: Alcântaras and Frecheirinha. We conducted field research and application of questionnaires for this work. They are two cities with predominance of distinct economic activities. However, we note that the PBF represents an important source of income for the families of both cities, which is used to purchase goods and services, also increasing their purchasing power, which in turn stimulates the production of the activity sectors. This turnover has driven the economy by generating jobs and income in local businesses and surrounding cities, impacting the lives of beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries.
Keywords: Small Towns. Bolsa Família Program. Beneficiaries
The principles of solidarity in small production demonstrate important perspectives for the construction of a collective awareness between the members and the local community. Thus, this article aims to analyze the development and the main reflexes of the Solidarity Economy for the strengthening of family farming in the city of Salgado / SE. Also highlighting the current period of economic orthodoxy (especially at the national level), marked by the reduction of public policies for productive inclusion and the extension of solidarity activities. In the face of these contradictions, the Solidarity Economy has been instrumental in guaranteeing the reproduction and maintenance strategies of small production. Therefore, it is important to idealize this solidary organization beyond public policies, aiming to highlight its relevance in the formation of a just, autonomous and less unequal society.
Keywords: Solidarity Economy. Space. Family Farming.