O trabalho tratará do gênero musical chamado de rap, atuante no território brasileiro, mas não procedente deste, com raízes em diversas culturas e países. Falará também um pouco sobre as influências desse ritmo musical, como deu sua formação, suas influências, e o surgimento do rap no brasil, com a denominada “velha escola” atualmente e a “nova escola”; propondo identificar do que trata cada escola, suas singularidades e exemplos.
The work will deal with the musical genre called rap, playing on Brazilian territory, but not from it, with
roots in different cultures and countries. They also talked a bit about how musical rhythm influences, with
a new school today and a new school; proposing identification of what each school treats, its singularities
and examples
The work will deal with the musical genre called rap, playing on Brazilian territory, but not from it, with roots in different cultures and countries. They also talked a bit about how musical rhythm influences, with a new school today and a new school; proposing identification of what each school treats, its singularities and examples.