O presente artigo pretende de maneira sucinta deslindar os dez, dentre trinta, anosde governo de Gomes Freire de Andrada na capitania do Rio de Janeiro. Percebendo nessaconjuntura a questão do Estado do Brasil e como se tecem as redes de relação entre o ditogovernador, as elites locais e o governo em Lisboa. Através disso, questionar a maneira comose dão os embates e negociações entre os poderes locais e o poder geral nessas conquistas, quetinha seu representante nesses domÃnios no ultramar na instituição do ofÃcio de governador.
The present article intends in way clear to define the ten, them thirty, years of
government of Gomes Freire de Andrada in the captainship of Rio de Janeiro. Perceiving in
this conjuncture the question of the State of Brazil and as if they weave the nets of relation
between the said governor, the local elites and the government in Lisbon. Through this, to
question the way as if they give you strike them and negotiations between them to be able
local and the general power in these conquests, that its representative in these ownerships in
overseas in the institution of the craft of governor had.