Parasitic myoma is a condition defined as a myoma of extrauterine nourishing.
It may occur spontaneously or as a consequence of surgical iatrogeny,
after myomectomy or videolaparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy, due
to remaining residues of uterine tissue fragments in the pelvic cavity after
morcellation. The authors describe two cases in which the patients were
submitted to videolaparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy and uterine body
removal through morcellation. The sites of development of the parasitic myomas
were next to the cervix stump in Case 1, and next to the right round ligament
in Case 2. These parasitic myomas were removed by videolaparoscopy. After
myomectomies or videolaparoscopic supracervical hysterectomies followed
by uterine fragments removal from the pelvic cavity through morcellation,
meticulous searching for residues or fragments of uterine tissue is mandatory
to prevent the occurrence of parasitic myomas.