O estudo teve por objetivo identificar e analisar o perfil de 30 gestantes de uma microrregião de saúde do Ceará – Baturité. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevista, nos meses de maio e junho de 2001. Encontrou-se 13 (43,4%) das gestantes em extremos da idade reprodutiva; 21 (70%) possuíam escolaridade abaixo do 1º grau completo; 4 (13,3%) não tinham renda e 23 (76,7%) tinham renda de até cem reais (R$ 100,00) mensais; 7 (23,35%) mulheres tinham gesta igual ou maior que quatro, estando uma em gesta oito e outra em gesta doze; 26 (86,7%) não haviam planejado a gravidez, mesmo assim, 22 (73,4%) se diziam muito satisfeitas com a gravidez. Demonstrou-se a necessidade das equipes do PSF planejarem suas ações com base no perfil social da clientela, sob pena de obterem pouco impacto nas condições de saúde de mãe e concepto.
The study had as an objective the identification and analysis of 30 profiles of pregnant women who are inhabitants of one of Ceará’s health microregions – Baturité. The data were collected through interviews, in the months of May and June of 2001. It has been found that 13 (43,4%) of the pregnant women were in the extremes of childbearing age; 21 (70%) had not even finished grade school; 4 (13,3%) did not have any source of income and 23 (76,7%) reached an income of up to one hundred reais (R$ 100,00) a month; 7 (23,35%) women had had four or more pregnancies, one of them having her eighth pregnancy and another one having her twelfth pregnancy; 26 (86,7%) had not planned the pregnancy, even so, 22 (73,4%) of them were very satisfied with the pregnancy. The necessity of the FHP’s teams to plan their actions on the basis of the clientele’s profile has been demonstrated, otherwise, a far-reaching impact will not be achieved in the mother’s and in the baby’s health conditions.