Estudo de natureza qualitativa, objetivando descrever o conhecimento das adolescentes puérperas sobre planejamento familiar e discutir suas percepções. Os sujeitos do estudo foram quatorze adolescentes. O procedimento utilizado na produção dos dados foi a técnica do grupo focal, que consistiu em duas reuniões. Os resultados expostos pelas adolescentes foram: informações superficiais do que era planejamento familiar, embora utilizem os métodos, cujas fontes de informações foram enfermeiras, médicos, agente comunitário de saúde e as instituições de saúde. As adolescentes em geral não planejaram a gravidez atual, consideram importante planejar a família, desejam ter outros filhos. Conclui-se que o conhecimento das entrevistadas era superficial e se restringia a métodos contraceptivos e que áreas prioritárias do Programa de Saúde do Adolescente (PROSAD), referente à sexualidade e saúde reprodutiva sejam efetivadas e ainda implementadas nos serviços de planejamento familiar.
This study employs a qualitative approach, with the objective of portraying the knowledge of the pubescent adolescents about family planning, and of discussing their perceptions of the issue. The subjects for this study were fourteen adolescents. The procedure used for the data production was the focal group technique, which was carried out in two meetings. The results exposed by the adolescents were the following: superficial information on what is family planning, even though they employ the contraceptive methods, which they have been introduced to by nurses, doctors, community health agents – and health institutions. The adolescents in general did not plan their present pregnancy, although they considered family planning important, and they wanted to have other children. We found that the knowledge of the interviewed adolescents was superficial and was restricted to the contraceptive methods, and that priority areas of the Program for Adolescent Health (PROSAD), referring to sexuality and reproductive health, have to be carried into effect and also implemented in family planning services.