Preventive and therapeutic assessment program for mucositis in patients with cancer: promising advances in stomatological care

Brazilian Journal of Oncology

Av. Paulista, 2073 – Edif. Horsa II – Conjunto Nacional conj.1003
São Paulo / SP
Telefone: (11) 3179-0090
ISSN: 2526-8732
Editor Chefe: Jorge Sabbaga
Início Publicação: 02/01/2018
Periodicidade: Anual
Área de Estudo: Ciências da Saúde, Área de Estudo: Medicina

Preventive and therapeutic assessment program for mucositis in patients with cancer: promising advances in stomatological care

Ano: 2024 | Volume: 20 | Número: Não se aplica
Autores: Renata Lemos Ferrari, Rafaela Mota Peixoto, Tauana Batista Fernandes, Luana Farnese Machado Abreu, Ana Carolina de Araujo Tolentino Felizardo, Lourenço Duarte Siqueira, Ana Maria Dias da Costa, Bianca Silva de Andrade, Clara de Figueiredo Lopes, Daniele Ferreira Araujo, Leticia Fulgencio de Araújo, Ruan Soares da Silva, Flavia Santos Dumont Sorice, Sarah Ananda Gomes, Bruno Lemos Ferrari, Carlos Gil Moreira Ferreira, Mariana Tosello Laloni, Pedro Rafael Martins De-Marchi, Cristiane Decat Bergerot
Autor Correspondente: Renata Lemos Ferrari | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: Mucositis, Outcome and process assessment, Health care, Review, Management indicators, Symptom assessment

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

OBJECTIVES: We propose a preventive and therapeutic assessment program for mucositis in patients with cancer based on a comprehensive review of scientific evidence.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: This methodological study, designed as a non-systematic review, entails a thorough review of the scientific evidence on the management of mucositis in patients with cancer. The PICO method was used, allowing for a structured approach to explore and synthesize relevant evidence.
RESULTS: Effective mucositis management requires regular assessments, dental exams, preventive strategies, and consideration of modifiable risk factors. Pharmacological therapies may be considered for severe cases, while oral antimicrobials, prophylactic antiviral and antifungal therapy can prevent infections. Topical anesthetics o?er pain relief but require careful administration. A gradual management plan, from gentle rinses to analgesics, is recommended.
CONCLUSION: The suggested program may improve the identification, prevention, and management of this complication to achieve optimal management outcomes.