A principal novidade das eleições presidenciais de 2018 no Brasil foi o movimento Mulheres unidas contra Bolsonaro, tendo aglutinado em torno da consigna #EleNão diversos setores organizados da luta feminista e milhões de mulheres sem filiação alguma, inclusive sem experiência de prática política. O Movimento que nasceu nas redes sociais acumulou força e agregou mulheres de forma tão expressiva que viabilizou sua presença nas ruas e demonstrou-se capaz de realizar a difícil tarefa de agregar setores políticos que têm sido incapazes de cooperar entre si e de construir uma frente de luta ampla, unificada e, ao mesmo tempo, plural. Através de análise qualitativa, pretendemos identificar a natureza do movimento Mulheres unidas contra Bolsonaro e compreender por que foram as mulheres o principal grupo social a mobilizar-se contra o candidato do PSL.
The main novelty of the 2018 presidential elections in Brazil was the movement Women united against Bolsonaro, having grouped around the slogan #NotHim several organized sectors of the feminist struggle and millions of women without any affiliation, even without experience of political practice. The Movement that was born on social networks accumulated strength and gathered women so expressively that it made their presence on the streets viable and proved capable of accomplishing the difficult task of aggregating political sectors that have been unable to cooperate with each other and build a broad, unified and, at the same time, plural forefront of struggle. Through qualitative analysis we intend to identify the nature of the movement Women united against Bolsonaro and comprehend why the main social group that mobilized against the PSL candidate was constituted by women