Foi avaliado o efeito das podas apical e de cacho na produtividade e sabor dos frutos de tomate
cultivar F1 Fanny. O experimento foi conduzido com cinco tratamentos e sete repetições. Os tratamentos foram: Retirada
do 1º cacho e desponta acima do 7º; Retirada do 1º cacho, sem desponta e com retirada dos cachos acima do 7º; Sem
retirada do 1º cacho e com desponta acima do 6º; Sem retirada do 1º cacho, sem desponta e com retirada dos cachos acima
do 6º; Sem desponta e sem retirada de cachos, com avaliação apenas dos 6 primeiros cachos. A remoção do 1º cacho foi
prejudicial à produtividade comercial de frutos. A manutenção do crescimento da planta, com remoção dos cachos acima
do 6o, possibilitou aumento na produção de frutos grandes. Para as caracterÃsticas produção total (157,7 t/ha), sabor
(11,44), sólidos solúveis totais (4,02 ºBrix) e pH (4,28) não foram observados diferenças significativas entre os
The effects on production and flavour caused by the pruning of the top-shoot and cluster of
tomatoes of the cultivar F1 Fanny were evaluated. This experiment was constituted with five treatments and seven
replications. Treatments were as follows: Removal of the first cluster and of the top-shoot above the 7th; Removal of the
first cluster and clusters above the 7th cluster and without removal of the top-shoot; Keeping the first cluster and with
removal of the top-shoot above 6th cluster; Keeping the first cluster, removal of all clusters above the 6th cluster and
without removal of the top-shoot; Neither top-shoot nor cluster removal, but evaluation of the first six clusters. The
removal of the first cluster was bad to the commercial production of tomatoes. The maintenance of plant growth through
cluster removal above the 6th cluster facilitated an increase in the production of large tomatoes. No significant differences
were observed between the different treatments for total production (157.7 t/ha), flavour (11.44), total soluble solids (4.02
ºBrix) and pH (4.28).