Questions about international relations in latin america: human rights, democracy and rule of law

Revista da Faculdade de Direito de São Bernardo do Campo

Rua Java, 425 - Biblioteca - Jardim do Mar
São Bernardo do Campo / SP
Telefone: (11) 3927-0222
ISSN: 2358-1832
Editor Chefe: Luiz Guilherme Arcaro Conci; Marcelo Benacchio.
Início Publicação: 20/08/1984
Periodicidade: Bianual
Área de Estudo: Direito

Questions about international relations in latin america: human rights, democracy and rule of law

Ano: 2014 | Volume: 20 | Número: Não se aplica
Autores: Luís Guilherme Arcaro Conci
Autor Correspondente: Luís Guilherme Arcaro Conci | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: aaaa

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

The birth of regional blocks in Latin America has a clear Europeaninspiration. Not only the "economic" blocks but also the human rights block (Inter-American System of Human Rights) have inspiration in the European Union blocks andthe European System of Human Rights (Council of Europe).In Latin America, the process of economic and structural integration isvery fragmented. There are five regional blocks (Mercosur, Andean Community ofNations, Pacific Alliance, Central America Integrative System, and Union of the SouthNations). All of them have in their objective a goal of regional integration.Besides that, there is a unique system of integration when the subjectare human rights. That´s the Interamerican System of Human Rights that was born inthe late 60´s.