Kur Yt Iba

Praça Thomaz Coelho nº 01 - Tarumã
Curitiba / PR
Telefone: (41) 3366-2001
ISSN: 21759243
Editor Chefe: Raul Kleber de Souza Boeno
Início Publicação: 30/09/2009
Periodicidade: Anual


Ano: 2010 | Volume: 1 | Número: 1
Autores: Clovis da Silva Brito
Autor Correspondente: Clovis da Silva Brito | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: indisciplina, disciplina, escola

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Português:

O objetivo desse artigo é propor uma reflexão sobre como os professores
compreendem a indisciplina escolar. Para entender tal questão, foi realizada uma pesquisa
de cunho teórico junto a alguns trabalhos acadêmicos que discutiram o tema aqui
investigado. Na literatura pesquisada, foi identificado que a indisciplina não é um assunto
recente e sempre rondou o ambiente educacional. Ela sempre existiu, mas a opressão que
o professor exercia sobre os alunos – na “educação de antigamente” –, era maior que a
existente na atualidade. Amparado nas pesquisas apresentadas, o presente estudo conclui
que os professores investigados compreendem a indisciplina como um problema de
comportamento e, como tal, buscam, através de mecanismos de controle, dominar a situação
e resolver o problema da indisciplina de maneira imediata. Ao entenderem esse fenômeno
apenas pela via comportamental, os professores demonstram não perceber sua complexidade
e atuam no imediatismo, desejando soluções rápidas e visualizando que a indisciplina seja
trazida somente pelos alunos.

Resumo Inglês:

The aim of this article it to propose a reflection about how the teachers understand
the school indiscipline. To understand this question it was developed a theoretical
research with some scholarly works that discussed the issue here investigated. In the researched
literature, it was reported that the indiscipline isn’t something new and it has
always been around the educational environment. It always existed, but the oppression the
teacher exercised on the students – in old education - was greater than that existing at
present. Times have changed, society changed, the teachers and students have changed, it
is expected that students, nowadays, are participatory and engaged in, not only assimilators
of the content imposed by the teacher. In other times the indiscipline was thought as a
behavioral question, nowadays, however, it may be related to the dissatisfaction attitudes
the students express about an occurred situation in the pedagogical process which happened
due to several factors. Among these, we can mention the relationship between student
x student, teacher x student, school and student and the dissatisfaction with the developed
content. Supported by the presented researches, this study concludes that investigated
teachers understand the indiscipline as a behavior problem, as such, they look for,
through control mechanisms, to dominate the situation, and solve the indiscipline problem
in immediate way. Understanding this phenomenon only through behavioral way, teachers
demonstrate not to perceive its complexity and work in the immediate way, desiring fast
solutions and visualizing that the indiscipline is only brought by the students.