The Cattleya genus has a great importance in the flower agro-business market. Fusarium wilts, caused by Fusarium
oxysporum f. sp. cattleyae, is considered one of the main factors of decline and death of plants of this genus. Using
seven hybrids (intra and intergenerics) of Cattleya, tests of resistance and susceptibility to F. oxysporum were
performed in conditions of greenhouse for 12 months, using, as evaluation criterion, a scale of the disease severity
ranging from one (resistant) to eight (highly susceptible). High susceptibility to the fungus by Cattleya Nobile´s Wax
Toy, Cattleya Orquidacea´s Mister Fast intrageneric hybrids and Potinara Orquidacea´s Havana Brown
intergeneric hybrid, related to Brassocattleya Orquidacea´s Melody intergeneric hybrid, high resistance to the
pathogens was observed.