Este artigo objetiva verificar a presença de outros textos literários no romance Que fim levaram todas as flores (2019), de Otto Leopoldo Winck. O autor, que, além de romancista e poeta, é Doutor em Estudos Literários, leciona disciplinas de Escrita Criativa, cursos que serviram como inspiração na construção do enredo no romance. Partindo desse pressuposto, serão abordados alguns textos cujas ideias sobressaem na narrativa através da alusão, do “plágio” e de ecos textuais. Com base nas teorias da intertextualidade, do dialogismo e outras, esse estudo pretende demonstrar como a obra dialoga com textos literários que a antecederam, usando-os no escopo do romance.
This article tries to verify the presence of other literary texts occurs in the novel Que fim levaram todas as flores (2019), by Otto Leopoldo Winck. The author, in addition to being a novelist and poet, is a Ph.D. in Literary Studies. He works as a professor of Creative Writing, courses that are inspiration for the construction of the plot in the novel. Based on this assumption, some texts will be approached whose ideas stand out in the narrative through the allusion, “plagiarism”, and textual echoes. Based on the theories of intertextuality, dialogism and others, this study intents to demonstrate how the related work dialogues with literary texts that preceded it, using them within the scope of the novel.