Salicylic Acid Increases Growth of Schinus terebinthifolia Seedlings Subjected to Varyng Irrigation Intervals

Floresta e Ambiente

Rodovia BR 465, km 07, Campus da UFRRJ - IF-NIDFLOR - UFRRJ
Seropédica / RJ
Telefone: (21) 2681-4986
ISSN: 2179-8087
Editor Chefe: João Vicente de Figueiredo Latorraca
Início Publicação: 31/12/1993
Periodicidade: Trimestral

Salicylic Acid Increases Growth of Schinus terebinthifolia Seedlings Subjected to Varyng Irrigation Intervals

Ano: 2021 | Volume: 28 | Número: 1
Autores: Saracho, Luiz Carlos da Silva; Lima, Neder Martins; Santos, Cleberton Correia; Scalon, Silvana de Paula Quintão; Vieira, Maria de Carmo
Autor Correspondente: Cleberton Correia Santos | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: Brazilian pink pepper; phytohormone; silvicultural management; water stress

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

The aim this study was to evaluate the effect of salicylic acid (SA) in Schinus terebinthifolia seedlings subjected to irrigation intervals. The experiment was performed by 78 days, under four irrigation intervals: 0, 4, 8, and 12 days, in combination with four concentrations SA: 0, 50, 100, and 200 mg L-1. The irrigation was individually maintaining water retention capacity of 100%, under each irrigation intervals. The maximum height across the irrigation intervals was 24.74 cm at 7-days intervals, and 24.31 cm with 200 mg L-1 of SA. The largest leaf areas were 116.03 cm2 at 12-day interval and 123.71 cm2 with 200 mg L-1 of SA. The highest production of dry masses of leaves, stem and roots was without and 12-days intervals, both with 200 mg L-1 of SA. Exogenous application of 200 mg L-1 of SA contributed on increased growth in S. terebinthifolia seedlings subjected to 12-days irrigation interval.