Selective versus Integrally Isotropic Electromagnetic Power Density Measurements

Journal of Microwaves Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications

Praça Mauá, 1
São Caetano do Sul / SP
Telefone: (11) 4238-8988
ISSN: 2179-1074
Editor Chefe: Maria Thereza Miranda Rocco Giraldi e Renato Cardoso Mesquita
Início Publicação: 30/04/1997
Periodicidade: Semestral
Área de Estudo: Engenharia elétrica

Selective versus Integrally Isotropic Electromagnetic Power Density Measurements

Ano: 2010 | Volume: 9 | Número: 1
Autores: Gláucio Lima Siqueira
Autor Correspondente: Gláucio Lima Siqueira | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: Non-Ionizing Radiation (NIR), power density measurements, comparison among radiation electromagnetic energy sources.

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

Electromagnetic radiation power density are measured
in several points of Porto Alegre city. The aim of these
measurements is to compare the level of radiation attributed to
each individual source. It is important to clarify that the
implementation of the cellular system does not altered significantly
the total level of non-ionizing electromagnetic energy present on the
city environment.