Sensory profile and contribution of major components of aroma in dry red wine quality

Vértices (Campos dos Goitacazes)

Rua Coronel Walter Kramer - 357 - Parque Santo Antônio
Campos dos Goytacazes / RJ
Telefone: (22) 2737-5648
ISSN: 1809-2667
Editor Chefe: Inez Barcellos de Andrade
Início Publicação: 01/10/1997
Periodicidade: Quadrimestral
Área de Estudo: Educação, Área de Estudo: Serviço social, Área de Estudo: Multidisciplinar

Sensory profile and contribution of major components of aroma in dry red wine quality

Ano: 2012 | Volume: 14 | Número: Especial
Autores: Luisa Costa de Oliveira, Maria Eugênia de Oliveira Mamede
Autor Correspondente: Luisa Costa de Oliveira | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: Quantitative descriptive analysis, Multivariate Statistics, Quality. Red wine, Volatiles

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

This study aimed to determine the sensory profile and main volatile compounds of a set of commercial wines from two major wine regions in Brazil. A total of 28 descriptors were selected by quantitative descriptive analysis, and “red”, “violet”, “pungent aroma”, “vinegary aroma” and “softness” were the most important descriptors in sample discrimination (p<=0.05). 42 volatile aroma compounds were considered relevant for the evaluation of red wine samples. Several acetates and esters that contribute to the pleasant aroma in wines were found in the samples, but other undesirable compounds were also identified: acetic acid and octanoic acid may have contributed to the vinegary and sulphur odors perceived by a trained team.