Shall We Dance?

Rua Pedro Lessa, n. 35, 10º andar, Centro.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Telefone: (21) 2215-3370.
ISSN: 2316-8374
Editor Chefe: Maria Celina Bodin de Moraes
Início Publicação: 31/07/2012
Periodicidade: Semestral
Área de Estudo: Direito

Shall We Dance?

Ano: 2014 | Volume: 3 | Número: 2
Autores: Richard Hyland
Autor Correspondente: Richard Hyland | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: Comparative Law. Civil Law. Common Law

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

This essay seeks to investigate why the conceptions of Law belonging to civil law and common law traditions are so hard to bridge, as well as to propose perspectives for a dialog between comparative legal scholars from both systems, by showing what one law experience has to learn from the other.