The present study aims to characterize and compare variations of polarities and rates of stimulus presentation during auditory brainstem response in adults with normal hearing. This cross-sectional study included 20 female participants, aged 15 to 30 years, who were students and trainees at a diagnostic and rehabilitation center and did not have any hearing impairment. The participants underwent evaluation of the auditory brainstem response in which stimuli of various polarities were presented with rarefaction, condensation, and presentation rates of 21.7, 27.7, and 47.7 stimuli per second. We observed lower latency values of wave I at the three rates of stimulus presentation and in wave V at the rate of 21.7/sec. When rarefaction polarity was used, and also in the right ear, the I-III interpeak interval had lower values for rates of stimulation, as well as the I-V interval at the rate of 21.7/sec. In overall comparison of groups at different polarities of stimulation, there was a statistically significant difference only in rarefaction. We conclude that understanding the behavior of the electrophysiological response to variations of the stimulus is important and can serve as a reference for routine use of these measures in clinical practice.