A pesquisa teve como objetivos (1) analisar o conteúdo de Pb e Cd na água e no sedimento; (2) analisar os parâmetros físicos e químicos da água; (3) determinar o fator de enriquecimento e o índice de acumulação de Pb e Cd nos sedimentos; e (4) identificar a qualidade da água com base no Índice de Poluição (IP) e STORET. A análise foi realizada por meio de técnicas estatísticas: PCA (Análise de Componentes Principais) e correlação de Pearson. A pesquisa foi conduzida na seção a jusante do rio Musi, Palembang, usando a técnica de amostragem aleatória. Com base na análise, constatou-se que o teor de Pb e Cd nas águas superou o padrão de qualidade, enquanto o teor de ambos os metais pesados encontrados no sedimento ainda atendia ao padrão de qualidade. Verificou-se também que diversas variáveis dos parâmetros físicos e químicos não atendiam aos critérios. Com base no Fator de Enriquecimento (EF) e no Índice de Acumulação (Igeo) de Pb e Cd, o rio não havia sido contaminado. Os valores do índice de poluição de IP e STORET indicaram que a água estava altamente poluída. Com base no PCA foram encontrados três fatores que afetam a qualidade da água do rio.
Palavras-chave: abiótico; avaliação; contaminação; índice; lama; qualidade
This research (1) analyzed the content of Pb and Cd in water and sediment; (2) analyzed physical and chemical parameters in water; (3) determined the enrichment factor and accumulation index of Pb and Cd in sediments; and (4) to identified water quality based on the Pollution Index (IP) and STORET. The analysis was carried out using PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and Pearson's correlation, and was conducted in the downstream section of the Musi River, Palembang, using a random sampling technique. Based on the analysis, it was found that the content of Pb and Cd in the waters had surpassed the quality standard whereas the contents of both heavy metals found in the sediment still met the quality standard. It was also found that several variables of the physical and chemical parameters did not meet the criteria. Based on the Enrichment Factor (EF) and the Accumulation Index (Igeo) of Pb and Cd, the river had not been defiled. The pollution index values of both IP and STORET indicated that the water had been heavily polluted. Based on the PCA, three factors which affected the quality of the river water were found.
Keywords: abiotic, defilement, evaluation, index, mud, quality
This research (1) analyzed the content of Pb and Cd in water and sediment; (2) analyzed physical and chemical parameters in water; (3) determined the enrichment factor and accumulation index of Pb and Cd in sediments; and (4) to identified water quality based on the Pollution Index (IP) and STORET. The analysis was carried out using PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and Pearson's correlation, and was conducted in the downstream section of the Musi River, Palembang, using a random sampling technique. Based on the analysis, it was found that the content of Pb and Cd in the waters had surpassed the quality standard whereas the contents of both heavy metals found in the sediment still met the quality standard. It was also found that several variables of the physical and chemical parameters did not meet the criteria. Based on the Enrichment Factor (EF) and the Accumulation Index (Igeo) of Pb and Cd, the river had not been defiled. The pollution index values of both IP and STORET indicated that the water had been heavily polluted. Based on the PCA, three factors which affected the quality of the river water were found.
Keywords: abiotic, defilement, evaluation, index, mud, quality