Analisa-se o romance A odisseia de Penélope (2005), de Margaret Atwood à luz da crítica feminista. Objetiva-se analisar a reescrita da Odisseia, de Homero, que dá voz à Penélope, tornando-a protagonista. O feminismo elucida a evolução da escrita feminina, a figuração de personagens femininas, que, de estereotipadas, passaram a se mostrar mais independentes, ousadas e insubmissas, conforme avançavam as conquistas femininas na sociedade. De caráter bibliográfico, este trabalho utiliza referencial teórico sobre os feminismos como movimentos sociais, o feminismo na literatura, com base em Alves e Pitanguy (1985), Beauvoir (1980 a e b), Woolf (2019), Michel (1982), Showalter (2014), Bordieu (2019), dentre outros. A análise revela que esta nova Penélope, que analisa e reconta sua história três mil anos após sua morte, é questionadora e insubordinada. Entende seu papel de submissão no passado, descortina o falso heroísmo de Odisseu e dá voz às escravas enforcadas na Odisseia, caso minimizado por Homero, denunciando sua injustiça, revelando que na visão masculina, eram sujas e mentirosas, mas, para Penélope, eram companheiras que a ajudaram. Esta Penélope simboliza a evolução feminina, tanto em papeis sociais quanto na figuração literária, pois de submissa, frágil e calada, torna-se insurreta, consciente de si, digna de protagonismo.
An analysis of The Penelopiad (2005), by Margaret Atwood is provided by feminist criticism. The aim is to analyze the rewriting of The Odyssey, by Homer, that gives speech to Penelope, making her a protagonist. The feminist criticism illuminates the evolution of feminine authorship, as well as the representation of female characters who, from stereotyped ones, became more independent, bold and unruly, as the female conquests rose in social areas. This work is bibliographical and uses theories about feminisms as social movements, as well as the feminist theory in literature, in authors such as Alves and Pitanguy (1985), Beauvoir (1980 a and b), Woolf (2019), Michel (1982), Showalter (2014), Bordieu (2019), and others. The analysis reveals that this new Penelope, who analyses and retells her own story three thousand years after her death, is questioning and rebellious. She understands her own submissive rule in the past, she unveils Odisseus’ false heroism of, and gives voice to the hanged women slaves, what was minimized in The Odyssey. She denounces this injustice, revealing that in men’s view the slaves were dirty and liars, but for Penelope they were friends who helped her. This Penelope symbolizes the female evolution both in social rules and in literary representation, because from submissive, fragile and silent, she became insurgent, self-conscious and worthy of protagonism.