Sialolites are calcifi ed formations that
occur in the parenchyma of the salivary
glands or in their ducts. Among the salivary
glands, the submandibular glands are the
most aff ected and represent about 80% of
reported cases. Sialolites larger than 15
mm are mineralizations considered rare
and few cases have been described. These
mineralizations require surgical removal
in most cases extraorally, under general
anesthesia. Cases of spontaneous
expulsion can be observed, however, only
in the case of small mineralizations. Although
surgical removal is the treatment
of choice for large mineralizations, these
should be carefully planned due to the sequelae
that they may cause to the patient.
The maintenance of these alterations within
the ductal system may lead to sialodenitis,
hyposalivation and consequent
oral microbiota imbalance favoring opportunistic
fungal infections, dental caries,
taste alteration among other consequences.
Therefore, this study reports a case
of large sialolith in a right submandibular
gland surgically removed intraorally.