Three-dimensional modeling connects several fields of knowledge, both basic and applied. 3D models are relevant in educa-tional research because the manipulation of 3D objects favors students' acquisition of spatial vision, but in the Geosciences, there are few didactic publications in Portuguese on the subject. The authors develop an educational research project to produce three-dimensional models of didactic examples of sedimentary basins: the Paraná Basin (Silurian-Upper Cretaceous), the Tau-baté and the São Paulo basins (Neogene). 3D-compatible files will be produced to compose didactic and display material, from maps and geological-structural profiles of certain regional stratigraphic levels of each basin. The research challenges are: (a) to obtain an overview of the available resources for 3D modeling; (b) to evaluate their potential, characteristics, advantages and limitations for applications in Geology and Geosciences; (c) to create computational models of the basins; (d) to produce at least one physical model based on one of the computational models of each basin. The resources will subsidize training work-shops for in-service teachers, technical-scientific articles and Internet pages.