Este trabalho tem como objetivo caracterizar os casos de tuberculose e neurotoxoplasmose nos pacientes HIV/Aids atendidos no município de Porto Velho – RO. As análises foram realizadas entre os anos de 2014 a 2018 no SAE do município e no hospital CEMETRON, no total foram realizadas 201 análises. Desses, 17% (34/201) tinham diagnóstico positivo para tuberculose e 11% (21/201) tinham diagnóstico para neurotoxoplasmose. A correlação clínica mostrou que 38% dos pacientes com tuberculose tinham célula TCD4+ entre 50 e 200 células/mm3 , dos que tiveram neurotoxoplasmose, 71,5% tinham células TCD4+ < 50 células/mm3 . Entre os anos de 2014 a 2018 muitos pacientes foram à óbito, 35% tinham diagnóstico para tuberculose e 24 % tinham diagnóstico para neurotoxoplasmose. Cerca de 40% dos pacientes não faziam uso da terapia antirretroviral e 44% dos pacientes faziam uso irregular. As coinfecções apresentadas nesse estudo, podem ser evitadas com a regularidade do tratamento antirretroviral que é gratuito no Brasil, necessitando de maior atenção da saúde pública e o desenvolvimento de um programa de maior conscientização ao tratamento para os portadores do vírus HIV.
This study aimed to characterize the cases of tuberculosis and neurotoxoplasmosis in HIV / AIDS patients treated in the city of Porto Velho - RO. The analysis were performed between 2014 and 2018 in the SAE of the municipality and CEMETRON hospital, in total 201 assays were performed. Of these, 17% (34/201) had a positive diagnosis for tuberculosis and 11% (21/201) for neurotoxoplasmosis. Clinical correlation showed that 38% of patients with tuberculosis has a TCD4 + cell between 50 and 200 cells / mm3, and among those who has neurotoxoplasmosis, 71.5% has cells <50 cells / mm3. Between 2014 and 2018, 35% of patients who died had a diagnosis of tuberculosis and 24% of neurotoxoplasmosis. Of these 40%, they did not use antiretroviral therapy and 44% used it irregularly. The co - infections presented in this study can be avoided with the regularity of antiretroviral treatment that is free in Brazil, requiring greater attention from public health and the development of a program of greater a wareness of the treatment for people with HIV, as well as the constant vigilance of these comorbidities in target audience.