O presente artigo visa a analisar a novela de horror Nas Montanhas da Loucura (1936), de
H.P. Lovecraft, sob uma perspectiva sociopolÃtica. Para tanto realizamos uma leitura comparativa com
os ensaios polÃticos do autor sobre a Grande Depressão dos anos 30 – mais especificamente os textos
“Some Repetitions on the Times†(1933), “A Layman Looks at the Government†(1933) e “The Journal
and the New Deal†(1934). Argumentamos que há indÃcios claros de que as transformações
socioeconômicas provocadas pela Grande Depressão influenciaram o processo criativo de H.P.
Lovecraft, levando-o a abordar temas até então nunca discutidos tanto em seus ensaios quanto em sua
obra ficcional.
The aim of this article is to analyze the horror novel At the Mountains of Madness (1936),
by H.P. Lovecraft, through a sociopolitical perspective. For this purpose we performed a comparative
reading between the novel and H.P. Lovecraft´s political essays about the Great Depression – more
specifically the essays "Some Repetitions on the Times†(1933), "A Layman Looks at the Governmentâ€
(1933) and "The Journal and the New Deal†(1934). We argue that there is clear evidence that the
socioeconomic changes cause by the Great Depression had its influence in the writings of H.P. Lovecraft,
leading him to pay attention to issues never before discussed both in his essays and in his fiction.