The objective of the present work was to calibrate and validate the CERES-Rice model in relation to the productivity estimate for the cultivar IRGA 424 in Rio Grande do Sul, using only information found in the literature. CERES-Rice is a model that simulates the development and productivity of a cultivar. To achieve this, it is necessary to obtain the genetic coefficients of the cultivar through the calibration process. The genetic coefficients describe the behavior of the plant in the soil-plant-atmosphere system. The GENCALC module was used for the calibration, present in the DSSAT. After the calibration process with 30% of the assembled experiments, the validation was performed in the others. The results for productivity were considered acceptable, since most of the values were below 15%, only one of the results presented an error of 16.88%. Note that the model did not consider phenological stages nor fertilization or water issues in the calibration and validation process.