Fairy tales are at least four centuries old and they are still current. Charles
Perrault is probably the first person to compile oral stories that inhabited
the French imagination of his time. By writing the stories, he reinforced
and supported the preservation of a collective memory. These tales did not
remain frozen in time, they continued to be read, (re)told and (re)written
under new contexts. We intend to analyze two Hispanic-American versions
of the tale ―A Bela Adormecida‖ (―Sleeping Beauty‖), which were based on
Charles Perrault‘s version and directed to adult audiences. Those two works
are ―La Bella Durmiente‖, written by Rosário Ferré, and ―El avión de La
Bella Durmiente‖ by Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez. In this sense, we have the
purpose of analyzing such stories in order to verify how gender relations
are established in them, considering the position of the young female
character Aurora. The deconstruction and subsequent reconstruction of the
character is perceived through intertextual language, through a new context
and also through the way the girl moves in the narrative.