Palavras-chave: weber's electrodynamics, ampere force between current elements, delayed time
Resumos Cadastrados
Resumo Inglês:
We present the electrodynamics developed by Wilhelra Weber and its main properties (conservation of linear momentum, angular momentum and energy). The fact that we derive Maxwell's equations from Weber's electrodynamics is shown. Also the force between Ampere chain elements can be derived from it. Experimental results related to Weber's electrodynamics are presented, such as: experiments connected with the force of Ampere and with the force of Grassmann-Biot-Savart; and the existence or not of an electric field due to a neutral, constant and stationary electric current. Finally we discuss recent developments in Weber's electrodynamics: introduction of delayed effect; the existence of a higher order term v 2 / c 2and the possibility of derivation of gravitation from a Weber generalization force.