Objetivo: descrever os sentimentos e práticas de cuidado de gestantes diante do risco de contrair o Zika vírus. Método: estudo qualitativo, realizado nos meses de outubro e novembro de 2016 em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior privada, com 10 gestantes. Para coleta de dados utilizou-se formulário com perguntas estruturadas e entrevista aberta, com categorização das falas conforme a técnica de Análise Temática. Resultados: da análise dos dados, emergiram as categorias: Sentimentos das gestantes diante do Zika vírus e Zika vírus e as estratégias de enfrentamento pelas gestantes. Conclusões: as gestantes apresentaram sentimentos de preocupação, medo e insegurança diante do Zika vírus. Contudo, os métodos preventivos juntamente com os exames realizados no pré-natal proporcionaram impacto positivo, gerando segurança entre as mulheres e ajuste de sua rotina em tempos de surto do Zika vírus.
Objective: to describe the feelings and care practices of pregnant women facing the risk of contracting the Zika virus. Method: qualitative study, carried out in October and November of 2016 in a Private Higher Education Institution, with 10 pregnant women. For data collection, a structured questionnaire and an open interview was used, with categorization of the lines according to the Thematic Analysis technique. Results: from the data analysis, the following categories emerged: Feelings of pregnant women in front of Zika virus and Zika virus and coping strategies by pregnant women. Conclusions: pregnant women presented feelings of worry, fear and insecurity about the Zika virus. However, the preventive methods along with prenatal examinations provided positive impact, generating safety among women and adjusting their routine in times of outbreak of the Zika virus.
Aim: to describe the feelings and care practices of pregnant women facing the risk of contracting the Zika virus. Method: qualitative study, carried out in October and November 2016 in a Private Higher Education Institution, with 10 pregnant women. For data collection, a structured questionnaire and an open interview were used, with categorization of the speeches according to the Thematic Analysis technique. Results: from the data analysis, the following categories emerged: Feelings of pregnant women in front of Zika virus and Zika virus and pregnant women’s coping strategies. Conclusions: pregnant women presented feelings of concern, fear and insecurity about the Zika virus. However, the preventive methods along with prenatal examinations provided positive impact, generating safety among women and adjusting their routine in times of outbreak of the Zika virus