A pesquisa sobre o Jesus Histórico suscita curiosidade,
mas necessita ser verificada com rigor acadêmico
para ser aceita. Neste artigo, aplicaremos o
critério de historicidade desenvolvido pela Third
Quest na perÃcope de Mateus 5.17-20 para verificar
a autenticidade do dito e assim, talvez, poder
vislumbrar a relação de Jesus com a Torá.
The research about the historical Jesus causes curiosity, but requires academic rigor verification t
The research about the historical Jesus causes
curiosity, but requires academic rigor verification to
be accepted. In this article, the criteria of historicity
developed by Third Quest on the pericope of
Matthew 5.17-20 shall be applied to verify the
authencity of the saying and then, maybe catch a
glimpse of the relationship between Jesus and