Neste artigo foi revista a literatura internacional e a nacional sobre a ética na pesquisa com seres humanos, com buscas efetuadas em bases de dados, ordenadas por data e nos idiomas Inglês e Português. Discorreu-se sobre infrações bioéticas atuais em pesquisas com malária e AIDS em países emergentes.Abordaram-se episódios históricos de infrações éticas em pesquisa científica, ocorridos durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial,os códigos internacionais de Bioética, o Sistema CEP/CONEP do Ministérioda Saúde e as Resoluções do Conselho Nacional de Saúde 466/2012 e 510/2016. Enfatizou-se difusão do conhecimento e prática desses princípios na iniciação científica e pesquisa acadêmicas. Concluiu-se que normativas de pesquisa com seres humanos são fundamentais no respeito à dignidade do sujeito da pesquisa.
This article was a review of the international and Brazilian literature about ethics in research with human beings, with searches conducted in databases in date order, and in the English and Portuguese languages.The discourse was about bioethical infractions nowadays in researches about malaria and AIDS,conducted in developing countries. Ethically questionable scientific researches were cited, which were conducted during the Second World War. International Bioethical Codes, the CEP/CONEP System of the Ministry of Health and Resolutionsof the National Health Council 466/2012 and 510/2016 were approached, which regulated researches with human beings in Brazil. Dissemination of knowledge and practice of these principles were emphasized in courses of scientific initiation and academic researches.The author concluded that regulations on research with human being were essential with respect to the dignity of the research subjects.