Com o intuito de depreender o estilo autoral do japonês Hayao Miyazaki, são analisados, neste trabalho, os seguintes filmes: Porco Rosso (1992), A Viagem de Chihiro (2001) e Vidas ao Vento (2013). As discussões serão feitas segundo a caracterização de personagens centrais (BRAIT, 2006; BRECHT, 2002), tendo em vista o conceito de estilo, segundo Discini (2009). Por meio das análises realizadas pôde-se concluir que o estilo autoral de Miyazaki se constrói a partir de recorrências observadas tanto no plano do conteúdo, quanto no plano da expressão.
In order to comprehend the style of the Japanese author Hayao Miyazaki, this work comprises the analysis of three of his films: Porco Rosso (1992), Spirited Away (2001), and The Wind Rises (2013). These films were analyzed based on the concept of style, by Discini (2009), articulating this concept to the theory of the author by Stam (2003), besides discussing the foundations around the characterization of central characters according to Brait (2006) and Brecht (2002). Through the analyses that were carried out, it was possible to conclude that Miyazaki’s style as an author is built from recurrences observed both in the levels of content and expression.