Evaluation of aziridine bonding agent by means of chemical and instrumental techniques of analysis

Journal Of Aerospace Technology And Management

Pr Mal Eduardo Gomes, 50
São José dos Campos / SP
Site: http://www.jatm.com.br
Telefone: (12) 3947-5115
ISSN: 19849468
Editor Chefe: Francisco Cristóvão Lourenço de Melo
Início Publicação: 31/05/2009
Periodicidade: Quadrimestral
Área de Estudo: Engenharia aeroespacial

Evaluation of aziridine bonding agent by means of chemical and instrumental techniques of analysis

Ano: 2009 | Volume: 1 | Número: 1
Autores: Darci Cortes Pires, Aparecida M. Kawamoto, Jairo Sciamareli, Elizabeth C. Mattos, Milton F. Diniz, Rita de Cássia L. Dutra, Koshun Iha
Autor Correspondente: Rita de Cássia L Dutra | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: wet chemistry, ft-ir, bonding agent, opening of aziridine ring

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

A new method using wet chemistry and instrumental analysis has been developed for evaluating the ring-opening of aziridine tris [1-(2 methyl) aziridinyl] phosphide oxide (MAPO) of the bonding agent used in composite propellant. A reduction was observed in the intensity absorption bands in 1400 and 1040 cmˉ¹, characteristic of aziridinic ring. It was also observed, in some cases, that when the number of open aziridinyl ring increases, the NH band in the range 3400-3300 cmˉ¹, that appears with ring-opening, is located in the region of lower wave numbers. The study of the synthesis of MAPO derivative indicated side reactions such as homopolymerization of rings and also, with secondary hydroxyl of the 12-hydroxy stearic acid and probable humidity existent in the original sample.