The study was conducted to assess the Socio-economic status of wandering tribes in H K Region in Karnataka state. Primary data was collected through structured interview schedule using sample size of 400 tribes based on proportionate sampling techniques. More than half the respondents belonged to middle age group and were illiterates. Their main occupation was small business. Majority of them lived in semi pucca type of houses (67%). More than half of the respondents belonged to low income group and maintained nuclear family (73%). The social participation and interaction with non-tribal (public) was poor. They live in poor sanitation conditions and unhygienic routine practices (lack of toilets and sanitary conditions for women in the community) with semi-nomadic lifestyle and unhealthy feeding habits. They had a frequent visit to forest areas for fetching some forestry products and part of their traditional practices. The nutrition level of community was poor. The livestock rearing practices was nil with no animals but some respondents had backyard poultry, sheep and goat along with companion animals.