Introduction: The globalized world provided new social, economic and intellectual conjunctures, promoting the “breaking” of borders, national and international, interconnecting people and cultures. The insertion of medical scholars in different social and educational contexts, through exchanges or academic mobility, reflects positively in the medical education promoted by each college. The possibility of experiencing health and education realities (public and private) in all regions of Brazil connects students, not only to share knowledge, but to create a networking and mutual help to solve problems common to most Brazilian medical schools. University exchange is a way to broaden students; vision, share experiences and realities. In medical education is no different, the cultural and academic exchange is a good way to get out of the routine conviviality and to increase the view on the possibilities that the profession can offer in other localitiesof the country. At this point, the new learning experience can generate positive expectations for students who are perhaps fatigued from their routine.In this context, the International Federation of Medical students Associations (IFMSA) presents itself as facilitator of this networkingamong the affiliated colleges, promoting academic exchanges during all the months of the year.
Objectives: The objective of this article is to analyze critically, through an experience account, the influence of national academic exchanges between medical faculties carried out by IFMSA in Brazil.
Methods: This is an experience report, from a medicalstudent, provided by IFMSA and held in Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde de Barretos Dr. Paulo Prata (FACISB), at Barretos, São Paulo, Brazil, in februrary 2018. This article analyzes the importance and contribution of exchance programs during medical graduation.
Results and Discussion: Nationally interconnected medical education makes it possible to experience health teaching realities, public and private áreas, in allregions of the country through clinical stages. Academic experiences outside the daily environment provide, to the exchange student, not only gain of technical content as personal maturation, besides the possibility of self-critical analysis, in relation to the levelof content absorbed during the years of course, in compared to the students of the university of destination.The Federal University of Roraima (UFRR), although far from the major medical centers of Brazil, does not sin in quality and engagement, professional and student, for the improvement of the health quality of its region of action, however the difference of physical structure for the practices ofmedical skills makes much more stressful the teaching-learning process in institutions with the same problematic.
Conclusion: University exchanges certainly represent an important tool for diversification of clinical experience during medical graduation. By exposing the students to a different scenario than usual, they stimulate the professionaland personal maturation of the exchangers, since they are encouraged to rethink their practices and their theoretical knowledge, as they leave their comfort zone. Such reflections are set up as a breakthrough for the medical education of Brazil, since they can foster the technical and humanistic improvement of the graduates