Introduction: The present work intends to report the application of art therapy, in the hospital context, through the project Sensibilizarte at the Federal University of Roraima (UFRR), which completes 5 years of activities in 2018. The Brazilian Association of Art Therapy defines it as "a way of working using artistic language as the basis of client-professional communication. It’s essence would be aesthetic creation and artistic elaboration in favor of health "1. In addition, "it seeks to accept the various aspects of patients, such as affective, cultural, cognitive, motor, social, among others, so important in mental health." From this perspective, the project uses artistic and recreational modalities such as art therapy, which in addition to contributing to the formation of future professionals with more humanitarian aspects in the treatment of people, uses the artistic resources as an instrument for sensitization in order to slow down the routine hospital in the construction of a less stressful environment beyond the self-knowledge, opportunity of expressivity and personal development to provide a better recovery to the patients.
Objectives: To analyze the applicability of art therapy in the hospital context as a therapeutic device that facilitates symbolic spaces of reception, elaboration, expression and humanization.
Methods:Through the report of the experiences in front of the performance of the Sensibilizarte-UFRR,art therapy was investigated in the hospital context. In addition, the importance and benefits of this therapeutic device. It is perceived as a facilitatinginstrument in the humanization process, in which it is part of the project purpose. A bibliographic review was carried out, through analysis of articles, books, theses and dissertations published in art therapy.
Results and Discussion: Through the experience on the front of craftsmanship was notorious the effectiveness and benefits of art therapy in patients' health. The use of art astherapeutics is presented as a fundamental device that comes to collaborate in mitigating the negative effects of diseases. "Thepromotion of the well-being of the person with psychic suffering is central, since the art therapy promotes changes in the affective, interpersonal and relational fields, improving the emotional balance". Art therapy is still seen as "soothing orreassuring, being a preventive measure to the psychic blunting, also acting as a facilitator of competences for the notion of acquiring daily life schemes". The hospital volunteers atthe front demonstrated changes after the entries, becoming more sensitive to thereality ofpatients, their companions and other hospital professionals while incorporating the feeling of empathy. Throughout the activities, discussed the need to see the patients visited not only as a disease carrier but asa human being with particular desires and a life history outside health institutions, in which they impose various deprivations. Difficulties were also encountered during performances, such as the language barrier, due to the high number of venezuelan immigrants and the presence of indigenous patients. During the activities, the hospital volunteers attempted to improve the patient's hospitalization period or living in the hospital environment, respecting their context and understanding their individual needs.
Conclusion: When evaluating the aspects involved in the art therapy, experiences and results obtained, from the activities carried out in a participative andobservational way in the project, we can see the importance of the work of this work front when using this device as a humanization and therapeutic resource. In addition, it was possible to verify the benefits in the current literature in art therapy withresults of significant improvementof the patient in the physical and emotional scopes.