Introduction: The application of music for therapeutic purposes is an efficient, non-invasive and economical treatment modality that provides the relief of pain and symptoms, restoring patients; health. According to Hatem, Lira and Mattos¹;[...] The action of music in the autonomic function causes a stimulation of the pituitary, resulting in the release of endorphins, reducing the pain and taking patients who receive music therapy potentially reduce the need of analgesics. There also appears to be a decrease in the release of catecholamines, which could explain the reduction in heart rate and blood pressure.Thus, through this tool is that the volunteers from the Music Therapy front of the Sensibilizarte UFRR project assist in the physical and psychological rehabilitation of the patients visited.
Objectives: The main objective is to describe the action of the project SensibilizArte UFRR in specific of the music therapy front. Concomitantly, to address the therapeutic effects of the application of music in the hospital context
Methods: It is an experience report, whose objective is to describe the performance of the music therapy front in the hospital environment, in the year 2018 in relation to the first semester. In addition, to describe the effects deriving of this for the clinical improvement of the patients in comparison to that described in the literature.
Results and Discussion: The volunteers of the music therapy front are prepared in regular specific trainings, which count on lectures on the theme and repertory essays, which is always suitable for the target audience, ranging from children to the elderly. Hospital visits are held fortnightly and always take place on Sunday afternoons, where volunteers are divided into smaller groups in order to cover a greater number of beds and not hinder the hospital routine. In each bed, the groups perform a small musical presentation, for the patients and companions, with choreographies and songs previously rehearsed. Several scientific publications approaches with the effects of the use of music in the hospital environment. Among these, we can mention: reduction of anxiety level, heart rate, blood pressure, and depressive symptoms, among other benefits. The use of music as art aims, therefore, to make the hospital environment more joyful, besides to provide to patients, relatives and health professionals, a moment of relaxation, pleasure and joy.The hospital environment, by itself, already demands anxiety and suffering, bothforthe patients and their companions, as for the professionals involved. Therefore, the work to be performed with the patients must go beyond the biological field, understanding the health-disease process as a complex phenomenon, seeing the human being in its entirety. With the intention of a more humane care, the Ministry of Health created the National Humanization Policy (NHP), where it seeks to add technical and scientific efficiency to an ethical position that respects the singularity of the needs of users and professionals, accepting the limits of each one and the coexistence with the unknown and the unpredictable². Humanization is based on the valorization of the human person, constituting a process that aims at the transformation of the institutional culture, based on humanistic and ethical principles of conduct, the movement against institutional violence in the health area, public policies for attention and management of Unified Health System (UHS), of the auxiliary methodology for participatory management and technology of care in health assistence. During the academic life, students are exposed to contents that aim to encourage a sensitive and humanized look, but several authors show that this is still insufficient, according to Casate and Corrêa³, it is necessary to use experiential strategies related to practical activities developed by students, stimulating reflection and critical action. Therefore, the project SensibilizArte seeks to bring the academic closer to his future reality, awakening and improving a sensitive view, the notion of humanism, and the professional / patient bond that will extend throughout his professional life benefiting not only the academic in formation but also the patient through recreational and playful activities in anenvironment that is usually heavy.
Conclusion: From experience, what is covered in the literature about the use and effects of music is, infact, made effective during the entrance of the Sensibilizarte in hospitals project. It is evident that not only the music therapy front, but also the project as a whole, fulfill the role of contributing to the academic formation of each one providing the experience of a humanized health practice.