Introduction:Gastric cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors, present predominantly in the form of three histological types: adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, and leiomyosarcoma. It is a more common disease in the elderly, with a peak incidence in the seventh decade of life. About 65% of patients diagnosed with stomach cancer have more than 50 years. In Brazil,the incidence of these tumors is third among men and fifth among women. In most developed countries, statistics show a decline in incidence.
Objectives: To identify the characteristic epidemiological profile in the state of Roraima, related to malignant neoplasn of the stomach.
Methods: This is a descriptive epidemiological analysis of population-based using secondary data from the Hospital Information System of the Unified Health System (SIH / SUS). The study population comprised hospitalizations for malignant neoplasn of the stomach (Morbidity List of CID-10), during the period from 2013 to 2017.
Results And Discussion: Epidemiological results obtained from the health information systems can be compromised by underreporting. In the state Roraima, 401 hospitalizations were registered for malignant neoplasms of the stomach, representing about 2.94% of hospitalizations for digestive diseases. Distributed in 277 and 124 cases in males and females, respectively. Therefore, the predominance was observed in males, data corroborate those described in the literature. Regarding the age group, 70.82% of the cases are concentrated between 45 and 69 years. During the study period, 58 cases of death were registered. One of the important aspects observed was the average time of hospitalization, around 5.1 days, characterizing the higt degree of morbidity and mortality of the disease.
Conclusion: The data found in this study evidenced an increase in the prevalence of hospitalizations in patients with more advanced age groups, with a predominance of males. In addition to high hospitalization time due to numerous complications and complex treatment, generating impacts to individual regarding the biopsychosocial changes and high costs to the public health services.