O transtorno do espectro autista interrompe processos normais de desenvolvimento social, cognitivo e comunicativo, manifestando-se normalmente até os três anos de idade e prevalência no sexo masculino. Estudos buscam fatores que possam contribuir para a redução da manifestação de sintomas ou características especificas. O principal objetivo foi avaliar a presença de alterações comportamentais e sintomas de distúrbios gastrointestinais em decorrência da restrição de glúten e caseína em portadores do autismo. O estudo foi submetido ao Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas e realizado na Fundação Varginhense de Assistência de Excepcionais em Varginha - Minas Gerais, no segundo semestre de 2015. Foram avaliados 8 autistas com idade entre 2 e 25 anos. Após orientação aos pais, houve intervenção dietética, sugerindo a restrição da caseína por 4 semanas e posteriormente do glúten por 7 semanas, totalizando 11 semanas de restrição. Todos os voluntários apresentaram melhora em pelo menos um dos sintomas característicos do transtorno. O sintoma que apresentou maior evolução foi a agressividade em 62,5% (n=5), seguido da estereotipia em 50% (n=4) dos voluntários (p = 0,01). Com relação aos sintomas gastrointestinais, quatro mães relataram melhora após restrição do glúten e caseína. Em conclusão, observou-se que a restrição dessas proteínas gera melhora dos sintomas apresentados que pode impactar na qualidade de vida dos indivíduos com o transtorno do espectro autista. No entanto, mais estudos randomizados, controlados, com cálculo amostral são necessários para confirmar os efeitos dessa dieta.
Autistic Spectrum Disorder interrupts regular social, cognitive, and communication development process. Most of the time, it manifests itself until three years old, prevailing on males. Studies search for factors which contributes to symptoms or specific characteristics m
anifestations. The aim was to evaluate behavioral changes and gastrointestinal disturbances symptoms caused by gluten and casein restrictions on autistic. The study was submitted to the Ethic Committee of the University Center of South of Minas and it took place at Fundação Varginhense de Assistência de Excepcionais in Varginha Minas Gerais/BRA, on second semester of 2015. This study has evaluated 8 autistics between 2 and 25 years old. There was dietary intervention, when we have asked volunteers’ parentes to restrict casein for 4 weeks and subsequently restrict gluten for 7 weeks and 3 days. All the evaluated volunteers have improved in at least one of the characteristic symptoms of the disorder. The symptom aggressive ness has presented better results on 62,5% of the volunteers, followed by stereotyping on 50% of volunteers (p = 0,01). Three mothers have reported improvements on gastrointestinal disturbances symptoms after gluten and casein restrictions. In conclusion, it was observed that the restriction of these proteins generates improvement of the presented symptoms that can impact on the quality of life of the individuals with the autism spectrum disorder. However, more randomized, controlled trials with sample calculus are needed to confirm the effects of this diet.
Autistic Spectrum Disorder interrupts regular social, cognitive, and communication development process. Most of the time, it manifests itself until three years old, prevailing on males. Studies search for factors which contributes to symptoms or specific characteristics m
anifestations. The aim was to evaluate behavioral changes and gastrointestinal disturbances symptoms caused by gluten and casein restrictions on autistic. The study was submitted to the Ethic Committee of the University Center of South of Minas and it took place at Fundação Varginhense de Assistência de Excepcionais in Varginha Minas Gerais/BRA, on second semester of 2015. This study has evaluated 8 autistics between 2 and 25 years old. There was dietary intervention, when we have asked volunteers’ parentes to restrict casein for 4 weeks and subsequently restrict gluten for 7 weeks and 3 days. All the evaluated volunteers have improved in at least one of the characteristic symptoms of the disorder. The symptom aggressive ness has presented better results on 62,5% of the volunteers, followed by stereotyping on 50% of volunteers (p = 0,01). Three mothers have reported improvements on gastrointestinal disturbances symptoms after gluten and casein restrictions. In conclusion, it was observed that the restriction of these proteins generates improvement of the presented symptoms that can impact on the quality of life of the individuals with the autism spectrum disorder. However, more randomized, controlled trials with sample calculus are needed to confirm the effects of this diet.