Urgent surgical approach for comminuted mandible fracture and considerations regarding airway risk. Case report

Journal of Health & Biological Sciences

Rua Vereador Paulo Mamede, 130. Bairro: Cocó.
Fortaleza / CE
Telefone: (85) 3265-8109
ISSN: 23173076
Editor Chefe: Manoel Odorico de Moraes Filho
Início Publicação: 31/12/2012
Periodicidade: Trimestral
Área de Estudo: Medicina

Urgent surgical approach for comminuted mandible fracture and considerations regarding airway risk. Case report

Ano: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Número: 1
Autores: Vinicius Juliate Damaceno Fernandes, Izabella Sol, Cristóvão Marcondes de Castro Rodrigues, Vinícius Lima de Almeida, Jonas Dantas Batista, Cláudia Jordão Silva
Autor Correspondente: Cristóvão Marcondes de Castro Rodrigues | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: fractures, comminuted, intubation, intratracheal, mandible

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Português:

Introdução: As fraturas de mandíbula são um dos locais mais comuns de lesões maxilofaciais. A localização da mandíbula a torna muito vulnerável a impactos diretos. O objetivo do tratamento é restaurar a função estética. Relato de Caso: O objetivo deste relato é apresentar um caso de fratura cominutiva de mandíbula em paciente jovem do sexo masculino, atendido com urgência devido à necessidade de manutenção das vias aéreas, onde foi submetido cirurgia de osteossíntese da fratura. Conclusão: A avaliação inicial desses pacientes com trauma deve seguir o protocolo do Suporte de Vida no Trauma, e devem ser investigados danos estruturais.

Resumo Inglês:

Introduction: Jaw fractures are one of the most common sites of maxillofacial injuries. The location of the jaw makes it very vulnerable to direct impacts. The purpose of treatment is to restore aesthetic function. Case Report: The purpose of this report is to present a case of comminuted mandible fracture in a young male patient, treated urgently due to the need for maintenance of the airways, where fracture osteosynthesis surgery was submitted. Conclusion: The initial assessment of these trauma patients should follow the Trauma Life Support protocol, and structural damage should be investigated. Introduction: Jaw fractures are one of the most common sites of maxillofacial injuries. The location of the jaw makes it very vulnerable to direct impacts. The purpose of treatment is to restore aesthetic function. Case Report: The purpose of this report is to present a case of comminuted mandible fracture in a young male patient, treated urgently due to the need for maintenance of the airways, where fracture osteosynthesis surgery was submitted. Conclusion: The initial assessment of these trauma patients should follow the Trauma Life Support protocol, and structural damage should be investigated.