A falta de políticas públicas visando à conservação, preservação e recuperação dos Recursos Hídricos de Campos dos Goytacazes motivou este estudo, que teve por objetivo verificar as condições ambientais de oito lagoas de tabuleiro, a saber: Lagoa da Onça, do Coqueiro, do Lameiro, Limpa, do Jacu, do Cantagalo, das Pedras e Maria do Pilar, na região Norte Fluminense. Para isso utilizou-se de observações, registros fotográficos, levantamento bibliográfico e técnicas de geoprocessamento. Constatou-se que as lagoas visitadas necessitam de obras de intervenção e/ou propostas de demarcação, restauração e proteção, já que as mesmas tiveram sua dinâmica natural alterada por ações antrópicas.
The basic sanitation comprises several services that are essential to the maintenance of people's health and well-being. The populations that have an appropriate water supply, sewage collection and treatment, proper garbage disposal, among other services, are protected from diseases and have access to a minimum comfort to live in a safe way. In spite of the importance of these services, to the extent to be characterized as “basic”, several populations, national or worldwide, suffer for the lack or the complete privation of sanitation, live without access to quality water, their waste is thrown under open air and their garbage is disposed in inappropriate sites, what causes health and environmental impacts. This work is being accomplished in a community called Santa Cruz, located in Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, and aims to carry out a survey about the local sanitary reality, especially about the quality of the water supplied to the population. 100 inhabitants of that community were interviewed and answered a questionnaire. Among the results, 22% of the interviewees consume the water that comes to their homes without any type of treatment, 47% consider the supply water as being of poor quality and 7% don't own home water tanks. After the interviews, bacteriological and physicochemical water analyses were performed in fifteen samples collected in the community. The test results indicated that the collected water was out of the drinking water standards, and therefore, inappropriate for human consumption.