Partindo de uma experiência artística e pedagógica baseada no encontro de vozes não midiatizadas, vozes amplificadas e vozes sintetizadas durante o workshop Voices on Stage: An Approach to Ancient Greek Tragedy in the Digital Era (Atenas, 2018), este artigo discute a relação entre as tecnologias digitais e a escuta do ator. O objetivo é demonstrar que as vozes sintetizadas -geralmente consideradas como o extremo oposto das vozes ditas “naturais”e “orgânicas”-pode paradoxalmente reforçar a relação sensível do ator com sua própria voz e estimular outros sentidos, tornando a escuta tátil e visual.
This paper discusses the dynamic between digital tools and the actor’s ability to listen. It presents the results of the workshop Voices on Stage: An Approach to Ancient Greek Tragedy in the Digital Era (Athens, 2018) which confronts the actor to different layers of voice (direct, amplified, and synthetic). Through those experiments and their analysis, one will demonstrate how listening to synthetic voices can reinforce the actor’s sensibility to voice, stimulate his/her’s other senses and transform the act of listening into a tactile and visual experience.
En s’appuyant sur une expérience pédagogique basée sur la confrontation des voix non-médiatisée, amplifiée et synthétisée, lors du workshop Voices On Stage: An Approach to Ancient Greek Tragedy in the Digital Era (Athènes, 2018), cet article propose une réflexion sur la relation entre les technologies digitales et l’écoute de l’acteur. Il s’agit de démontrer que l’écoute de voix de synthèse -souvent mise en opposition aux voix “naturelles”ou “organiques”-peut paradoxalement constituer pour l’acteur une façon de renforcer son rapport sensible à la voix et de stimuler ses sens autrement.