O artigo busca investigar a atual condição do Teatro de Formas Animadas nos países
nórdicos e bálticos, sob o ponto de vista histórico e educacional, e as perspectivas para o futuro.
Para isso o autor entrevistou representantes da Finlândia, Suécia, Noruega, Letônia, Lituânia e
Estônia. Ao final do artigo estão presentes dois apêndices: Os desafios do teatro de bonecos no
novo paradigma do teatro visual – Entrevista com Marek Waszkiel e O titereiro do século 21 –
Entrevista com Yana Tumina.
The article seeks to investigate the current condition of the Theater of Animated Forms
in the Nordic and Baltic countries, from the historical and educational point of view, and the
perspectives for the future. For this, the author interviewed representatives from Finland, Sweden,
Norway, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. At the end of the article there are two appendix: Puppetry's
challenges in the new visual theatre paradigm – Interview with Marek Waszkiel
and The puppeteer in the 21st century – Interview with Yana Tumina.