Implementing somatic mutation testing in clinical setting: recommendations from a panel of experts

Brazilian Journal of Oncology

Av. Paulista, 2073 – Edif. Horsa II – Conjunto Nacional conj.1003
São Paulo / SP
Telefone: (11) 3179-0090
ISSN: 2526-8732
Editor Chefe: Jorge Sabbaga
Início Publicação: 02/01/2018
Periodicidade: Anual
Área de Estudo: Ciências da Saúde, Área de Estudo: Medicina

Implementing somatic mutation testing in clinical setting: recommendations from a panel of experts

Ano: 2021 | Volume: 17 | Número: 0
Autores: Vladmir Cláudio Cordeiro-de-Lima; Luiz Henrique Araújo; Bernardo Garicochea6; Vanderson Rocha; Max Mano; William Nassib William; Aline Lauda Freitas Chaves; Gustavo dos Santos Fernandes; Angelica Nogueira-Rodrigues; Denis Leonardo Jardim; Andreia C Melo; Celso Abdon Mello; Clarissa Serodio Baldotto; Mauro Zukin; Aknar Calabrich; Ana Gelatti; Gilberto de-Castro-Jr; Thiago Bueno de-Oliveira; Markus Gifoni; Williams Barra; Anelisa K. Coutinho; Renata D'Alpino Peixoto; Carla Rameri de-Azevedo; Eduardo Paulino; José Bines; Romualdo Barroso; Daniel Gimenes; Rafael Aliosha Kaliks; Andre Poisl Fay; Diogo Bugano; Pedro Isaacsson; Carlos Chiattone; Jorge Vaz; Guilherme Duffles; Otavio Baiocchi; Rafael Schmerling; Rodrigo Ramela Munhoz; Rodrigo Guedes; Olavo Feher; Camilla Akemi Felizardo Yamada; Carolina Fittipaldi; Clarissa Maria de Cerqueira Mathias; Renan Orsati Clara; Alesssandro Leal
Autor Correspondente: Alesssandro Leal |

Palavras-chave: Somatic mutation testing, Comprehensive genomic profiling, Genomic medicine, Precision oncology

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

There has been a rapid increase in the volume of genomic data gathered from different cancers, this has helped to develop new tumor classifications as well as to select better tailored therapies for the patients. Some of the genomic markers identified are also prognostic and predictive factors. Additionally, many technologies have been used to investigate these alterations, each with different benefits and caveats. The Genomics Committee from the Sociedade Brasileira de Oncologia Clínica (SBOC) put together a group of specialists, from different regions of Brazil that work both in the private and public scenario, to gather and organize the information regarding the utility of somatic mutation testing in solid tumors. This special article summarizes their recommendations on how to better incorporate this information into clinical practice.