O estudo objetivou caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico e reprodutivo de adolescentes grávidas acompanhadas em unidade básica de saúde, no município de Canindé-Ceará e verificar suas redes sociais de apoio. Estudo quantitativo, com entrevista a 23 adolescentes em acompanhamento pré-natal, de dezembro de 2006 a janeiro de 2007. Destas, 15 (65,2%) tinham entre 17-19 anos; 12 (52,2%) possuíam o ensino fundamental incompleto; 21 (91,3%) não estudavam nem trabalhavam; 14 (60,9%) tiveram a menarca entre 11-12 anos e a coitarca aos 15-17 anos. Ainda, 20 (87,0%) já usaram contraceptivos. 18 (78,3%) eram primigestas; 15 (65,2%) admitiram não ter planejado a gravidez atual; 13 (56,5%) nunca receberam educação sexual na família e 16 (69,6%) nunca buscaram informações por profissionais de saúde. Conclui-se que questões reprodutivas, como menarca e iniciação sexual precoce, orientação sexual no ambiente familiar e escolar insatisfatória e baixa procura por serviços de saúde, podem estar diretamente relacionadas à gravidez precoce.
The study aimed to characterize the socio-demographic and reproductive profi le of pregnant teenagers accompanied by a basic health care unit in the municipal district of Canindé, state of Ceará, in order to verify their social networks of support. The research relies upon a quantitative study made from December 2006 to January 2007 with interviews with 23 adolescents in prenatal care. Of those, 15(65.2%) were aged between 17 to 19 years of age; 12 (52.2%) had incomplete primary school; 21(91.3%) neither had been to school, nor had a job; 14 (60.9%) had had the menarche between 11-12 years of age and coitarche between 15-17 years of age. Still, 20 (87.0%) had made use of some form of contraception; 18 (78.3%) were fi rstborns; 15 (65.2%) admitted that the current pregnancy had been unplanned; 13 (56.5%) had never had sexual education from the family and 16 (69.6%) had never looked for information from health professionals. It was concluded that reproductive issues, such as menarche and early sexual initiation, weak sexual education within family and school environments as well as low demand for health care are directly related do early pregnancy.